Recently I decided to enter the world of dating. I kept following the philosophy of"make myself happy before I make a man or anybody else happy". So far I have more than exceeded this expectation. To get me started on this adventure I read the book The Rules: Time Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right. I thought it would be a good idea but after reading the book I decided that half the stuff I already knew or didn't want to follow. It also put a HUGE emphasis on playing "hard to get" but a girl can only do that for so long. For instance, The Rules talks about dressing stylish, being quiet and mysterious, making men pay for meals, how to act on dates, lots of exercising (in one part it mentioned swimming or playing tennis all summer and doing sit-ups until the hereafter), and referring to readers as Rules Girls.
In my opinion half of these so called "rules" are ridiculous. Why conform to them if I don't want to? The way I see it as there is absolutely NO need to change for someone to fall in love with you. Also, things are different now from when this book was published in 1995. Even after asking my parents for their opinion what they said was that there was no How-To in dating...you just do it until you find someone!
picture: www.barnesandnoble.com