Ahhh the joy of looking amazing in anything I wear! I recently came across a widget from Shabby Apple that's a little quiz on clothing style. My result was (drum roll please...) CLASSIC! In case I haven't given you my whole life story I went to a middle school that REQUIRED me to wear uniforms and I hated it. Although it wasn't a fancy expensive private school I was held to an expectation based on how I dressed. My question now is: What happened to individuality? Early adolescence is about having the chance to express yourself and develop a personality and having a sense of style is part of it. I used to go shopping with my mother at Meier and Frank which is now Macy's and she would always direct me towards the petites department. She would tell me that having a classic sophisticated style is the best way to go because you have the option to dress conservative if you choose to and almost anything you wear in this category rarely goes out of style. Also, with that said people judge on the way you look besides your personality. Considering my mom has a degree in Fashion Merchandising from the University of Utah and worked in fashion textiles for many years in New York at least she knows what she's doing. Even though I was an outcast until my popularity skyrocketed in 8th grade I hated the classic sophisticated look because I wanted to dress trendy like my friends. But now that its been years and my lifestyle has come into play along with this fashion sense I have come to appreciate my style now especially since I feel a lot more comfortable shopping on my own rather than with my mom all the time.
Check out the link to see what your fashion style is!