I admit like everyone else in Salt Lake I have gone completely insane over City Creek Centers. I recently went there THE DAY BEFORE IT OPENED for a media tour. That's right folks I. am. that. awesome. I was really impressed with what I saw.
The place totally caters to my style: Classic and sophisticated. My favorite stores there are Disney Store, Brooks Brothers and of course the usual suspects Ann Taylor, Loft and as of late Banana Republic. Tiffany's felt too small and confined. However, I did find my dream job: the Tiffany girl. I wouldn't mind wearing a Tiffany blue dress, white shawl and Tiffany jewelry. (Sigh) one day.
I liked the Disney Store mostly because it reminds me of all my Disneyland and DisneyWorld adventures. In fact as I walked in I remembered my first trip to Florida getting off the plane after high school graduation with a big smile on my face. The Disney Store has these AWESOME interactive exhibits for kids and even adults.
Brooks Brothers is a fancy top-of-the-line store for the preppy corporate types. I really liked the interior design. It reminded me of the Ralph Lauren section at Macy's, Dillards and Nordstroms. So classy!
Besides stores I really liked the ZCMI facade. It made me think of when my mom told me about how she used to dress up when she went downtown with her Yia Yia and Papou as a kid. I wonder if that will happen with City Creek?
City Creek is awesome. Don't take my word for it! Check the place out!