Swim, Bike, Run. Never though I'd be able to pull something like this off but I did. Here's how it started: I signed up for the Griffin Dash n' Splash Triathlon at Westminster College. I was a little nervous because I have NEVER done a Tri before in my life. I figured I was in well enough shape so why not?
The swim was about 300 yards in the pool. I was in the 3rd wave with a bunch of old people and beginners. Not too bad. Except my fly sucked really bad and the wetsuit felt too tight. But I had to share a lane and that was why. My final time: 5:16. Sweet.
Cycling was 10 miles. I did it on a stationary bike and my cycling shoes didn't clip in right. So I'm cycling like crazy at 100-150 reps per minute thinking,"Showing the haters your a boss." Results: 22 minutes. I gotta step up my game on this one!
Running was 2.5 miles. I HATE it. I'm not a runner. My parents even told me that. I was outside running around Westminster in my wetsuit feeling the wind push me like an airplane. I kept having to say the Trisigion prayer in my head to keep me going. I thought I was gonna die even though it was a small amount of miles. Final: 20 minutes flat. Not bad but I gotta cut it in half somehow.
I think I should just stick with open water swims or swimming competitions but I'd do another one of these again.