Friday, October 5, 2012
It Does Exist!!!
No more Rachel Berry rants for now regarding who I look like. As of Sunday I found the OFFICIAL Dorothann clone: Ivy Morris from Upstairs Downstairs. See the resemblance?

Sunday, August 12, 2012
So I Graduate This Year.
I've been in college since fall 2007. Flashforward six years later and I'm DONE. I just barely received my graduation evaluation last week. A graduation evaluation is when the registrars office sends you a letter saying what else you need to complete your degree. I graduate from Westminster College May 2013 with a B.A. in Communication. After six long years of hard work I can finally do what I want. WHATEVER I WANT. I remember someone told me once,"Do what makes you happy." Well, finally that will happen and school won't be in the way of it.
I thought this Mickey Mouse pic would express more of how I'm feeling at the moment.
I thought this Mickey Mouse pic would express more of how I'm feeling at the moment.
Friday, June 15, 2012
5 Years Later...
Dorothann 2007
I've been out of high school since 2007. I'm old. I admit with what I've done the past 5 years I had to push myself. It wasn't easy. In fact it was REALLY hard. Its called growing up. Change. I don't plan on attending high school reunion at Olympus. Its not important. Why brag about my accomplishments? Why put myself in a situation where I will still be judged for being me? Its not worth it.
I don't mean to justify but in the past 5 years I:
Went to college even though it was very hard sometimes...
Had some self-realization moments, which were not easy to accept...
Started dating...
Accepted having a learning disability...
Accepted that it would take longer for things to happen for me and forcing stuff wouldn't work...
Traveled outside the U.S. twice...
Started exercising and got a six-pack...
Ate healthier...
Did something selfless...
Realized what remorsefulness truly was...
Finally got what I wanted...
Did the things that I wanted to do...
Worked in a grocery store until I couldn't handle it anymore...
Got help when I wasn't doing too well...
Became a power player in student government and on campus...
Stood my ground and said "No"...
Made new friends...
Learned being impulsive backfires...
Learned to be a leader...
Tried something I never did before...
Believed in myself...
Stopped saying a man would never want me...
Dorothann 2012
The list goes on and on.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Lululemon, Zumba, Hott Lifeguards, CRUSH Camp Summer Camp, Oh My!
The only two things I planned on doing this summer was my internship and going on a good ol' U.S. of A adventure someplace fun. Boy, was I wrong. I don't really like to brag via social networks on how much I exercise. I'm afraid it'll backfire. But hopefully this time it won't. A few weeks ago I signed up for a boot camp workout at my school called CRUSH Camp. I call it CRUSH Camp Summer Camp. I go and workout til I pass out in the wee hours of the morning outside on the astroturf field on Mondays and Wednesdays. So this is why I'm still at Westminster? I have a MAJOR excuse to get a six-pack and eat better. All in the name of Dorothann going out on the weekends to meet guys and hangout with friends, wearing cute clothes, or ending up in Greece or in the Caribbean next year with a B.A. in Communication looking for a prospective boyfriend/husband/fiancee or whatever.
I can also wear fancy workout clothes too.
For those of you who don't know I'm a total Lululemon girl. The workout clothes are comfy and they look good on me. Plus I really don't mind getting compliments like, "Ohhh I love your Lulu outfit Dorothann!" The place is a godsend when it comes to workout clothes besides Nike, UnderArmour, or AlbionFit. Even though the place is kinda pricey. I accidentally found the store in Canada when I was in Whistler. I've loved the clothing ever since. Plus their manifesto is FABULOUS!
The clothes work for anything exercise or just going around town.
One of my Lululemon workout ensembles...sooo cute!
There's this new exercise that my friends got me into called Zumba. I've done it before but when I go with my friends its super fun. I don't know if its because of them or because the teacher is really good considering she's also a Jazz Dancer and my friends hit on her even though she's married. Zumba's a party without the alcohol. A lot of dancing, hot and heavy sweating, and Pitbull songs. I guess when I go to the clubs with my friends I can use some of the moves I learned. Ha!
So fun.
Since March I've been back on the dating market. I dumped a guy I was dating for 3 months. The funny thing is it gave me an excuse to hit on guys OR get hit on by them. So anyways there's this guy who I kinda hung out with summer 2010. I thought he was here for the right reasons but I was wrong by about April 2011. He's single now. A few days ago I was with my friends and we saw him at the pool lifeguarding. The guy is super GORGEOUS but he's really quiet. I think quiet guys are hiding something but in this case I think change is possible. I asked my friends if I should go hit on him. They encouraged it. So I returned to my high school giggly girl mode only more confident and used a few pickup lines that my friends gave me. Result: the guy was SPEECHLESS! I guess maybe by the end of the summer if I keep this up I might have a boyfriend again.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Smeghead, Jong, What the hell does that mean?
I decided I never want to grow up. Since I'm still in college I'm with people younger than me. I don't mind it at all. It gives me a golden opportunity to learn new stuff that fortunately isn't part of school. I'll get to my point. I like the BBC. I like going out on the weekend with friends and partying when I get the chance. There's this awesome show called Red Dwarf that a guy I was dating for three months introduced me to besides the TV show Doctor Who, his favorite. They use these funny words like Smeghead, Smeg, and make all these funny insults to each other. For the record Smeg means the F-word in Red Dwarf terminology. In my dictionary it can mean anything!
Now for part 2: I hang with snowbros. I have a group of friends I go to school with who love snowboarding. They use these really funny words like Jong, Jongbag, Gerb, words like that. One day I looked up the word "Jong" on Urban Dictionary. The definition was a person who thinks they're really good at snowboarding or skiing but they're not. I asked my friend what Jong is and he said,"Jong is anything you want it to be." My reply was,"Well Smeghead or Smeg is anything you want too even though it means the f-word in Red Dwarf terms."
However, when I use these words around my parents they nearly drop their cups of coffee on the floor. Its devastating. Considering they were around when the Red Dwarf series began in 1988 its kind of sad that they hate me using those words. Its like when I was younger and they would freak out when I had a worse potty mouth than I do now. My parents ask,"Where are you getting these words from? What do they mean?" Hey, I'm not 9 years old and using words that are considered derogatory today. I'm just trying to expand my vocabulary.
Now for part 2: I hang with snowbros. I have a group of friends I go to school with who love snowboarding. They use these really funny words like Jong, Jongbag, Gerb, words like that. One day I looked up the word "Jong" on Urban Dictionary. The definition was a person who thinks they're really good at snowboarding or skiing but they're not. I asked my friend what Jong is and he said,"Jong is anything you want it to be." My reply was,"Well Smeghead or Smeg is anything you want too even though it means the f-word in Red Dwarf terms."
However, when I use these words around my parents they nearly drop their cups of coffee on the floor. Its devastating. Considering they were around when the Red Dwarf series began in 1988 its kind of sad that they hate me using those words. Its like when I was younger and they would freak out when I had a worse potty mouth than I do now. My parents ask,"Where are you getting these words from? What do they mean?" Hey, I'm not 9 years old and using words that are considered derogatory today. I'm just trying to expand my vocabulary.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
10 Month Certificate for Leadership? After I Graduate? No Dice Mom!
So today I was hanging with my mom at my house. For as much as I love my parents they're really pushing it with the whole education deal. As of late my mom has this idea: A 10 month leadership certificate program at Westminster after I get my Bachelors degree. My response, a head shake. She asks,"You like leadership don't you, you took a few classes in it so why not?"
I like leadership.
I'm good at telling people what to do, problem-solving and feeling like I'm worthy of being a leader. Its something I pursued when I got to college.
I'm burned out.
I don't really want to think about MORE SCHOOLING after I graduate next year hopefully. I just want a break. Ideally, this consists of a good job, paying off my student loans, and a cruise to the Caribbean or a trip to Greece. (Greece is my mom's idea) Taking a year off. Doing the things I want. Not having college in the way. Graduate school will always be there for me. Whether I go in a year or 10 years. Right now I need some space. College is so wonderful I can't stand it any longer!
I like leadership.
I'm good at telling people what to do, problem-solving and feeling like I'm worthy of being a leader. Its something I pursued when I got to college.
I'm burned out.
I don't really want to think about MORE SCHOOLING after I graduate next year hopefully. I just want a break. Ideally, this consists of a good job, paying off my student loans, and a cruise to the Caribbean or a trip to Greece. (Greece is my mom's idea) Taking a year off. Doing the things I want. Not having college in the way. Graduate school will always be there for me. Whether I go in a year or 10 years. Right now I need some space. College is so wonderful I can't stand it any longer!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Dear College, Go away and let me do whatever I want!
As of late I realized something. I HATE school. For the past 5 years, not 4 for all you folks smarter than me, I have been in the higher education slave trade at Westminster College. It has gotten to the point where I was hospitalized because of all the anxiety I had over school and personal finances as of late. I graduate next year: 2013. Another year of trying not to lose it. So basically here's a top 12 list of why school is boring me:
1. Professors who have the exact same personality as my dad.
2. Not being able to get enough sleep for WEEKS because of anxiety over papers and stupid senate meetings that went until midnight.
3. Associated Students of Westminster College (ASWC) being so inclusive that I have to retire.
4. I'm struggling with having a credit card for the first time.
5. I can't ditch class to go on a vacation even though I want to and everyone else does including my own brother .
6. Everyone yelling at me on the school newspaper.
7. Getting busted by my parents for partying, raging and regulating then nearly having a panic attack.
8. The question of what the hell am I going to f***ing do with a comm degree?
9. Realizing I'm impulsive.
10. My dad still giving me crap for not going into science.
11. Going out with a guy for three months who was a hick farmboy with ZERO life experience.
12. Avoiding stuff that was bothering me and letting it spiral outta control.
Well looks like SOMEONE needs to re-evaluate some things...Ha!
1. Professors who have the exact same personality as my dad.
2. Not being able to get enough sleep for WEEKS because of anxiety over papers and stupid senate meetings that went until midnight.
3. Associated Students of Westminster College (ASWC) being so inclusive that I have to retire.
4. I'm struggling with having a credit card for the first time.
5. I can't ditch class to go on a vacation even though I want to and everyone else does including my own brother .
6. Everyone yelling at me on the school newspaper.
7. Getting busted by my parents for partying, raging and regulating then nearly having a panic attack.
8. The question of what the hell am I going to f***ing do with a comm degree?
9. Realizing I'm impulsive.
10. My dad still giving me crap for not going into science.
11. Going out with a guy for three months who was a hick farmboy with ZERO life experience.
12. Avoiding stuff that was bothering me and letting it spiral outta control.
Well looks like SOMEONE needs to re-evaluate some things...Ha!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
City Creek: The next SLC shopping adventure...for ME!
I admit like everyone else in Salt Lake I have gone completely insane over City Creek Centers. I recently went there THE DAY BEFORE IT OPENED for a media tour. That's right folks I. am. that. awesome. I was really impressed with what I saw.
The place totally caters to my style: Classic and sophisticated. My favorite stores there are Disney Store, Brooks Brothers and of course the usual suspects Ann Taylor, Loft and as of late Banana Republic. Tiffany's felt too small and confined. However, I did find my dream job: the Tiffany girl. I wouldn't mind wearing a Tiffany blue dress, white shawl and Tiffany jewelry. (Sigh) one day.
I liked the Disney Store mostly because it reminds me of all my Disneyland and DisneyWorld adventures. In fact as I walked in I remembered my first trip to Florida getting off the plane after high school graduation with a big smile on my face. The Disney Store has these AWESOME interactive exhibits for kids and even adults.
Brooks Brothers is a fancy top-of-the-line store for the preppy corporate types. I really liked the interior design. It reminded me of the Ralph Lauren section at Macy's, Dillards and Nordstroms. So classy!
Besides stores I really liked the ZCMI facade. It made me think of when my mom told me about how she used to dress up when she went downtown with her Yia Yia and Papou as a kid. I wonder if that will happen with City Creek?
City Creek is awesome. Don't take my word for it! Check the place out!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Lifeguard Certification: What the hell am I thinking?!

As of late my swimming adventures have lead me to the wonderful world of lifegarding. I decided to get certified for an internship even though it is not required. In a few days a pre-test given by the American Red Cross will determine whether I'm worthy or not of responding to aquatic emergencies. The hard part: swimming with the brick.
One of the requirements is to swim to a brick, retrieve it and swim back with it in under 50 seconds. 50 SECONDS!!! My time as of today: 1 minute. I'm a pretty good swimmer but this task is HARD.
The catch is the ARC changed the requirements. The old time for the brick swim was 1:50.
At least if any middle or high school boys try to pull any sandlot jokes on me I can just ban them from the pool all summer.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Butterfly Stroke: Bring it!
Swimming has basically been MY LIFE besides academia and student government since 2008. Recently I've had a little love/hate relationship with it because of how crazy my schedule has been. I think that all changed when FOUR things happened:
1. Bob: He might have the same name as Michael Phelps coach but he's actually a science professor at my school. Whenever I'm at the fitness center on campus aka HWAC he always says, "Dorothann time to get in the pool its swimming day!" This happens even when its NOT EVEN SWIMMING DAY and I'm just there for other activities. Talk about motivation: telling me to get my ass into the pool and swim like I was in the Olympics or running away from sharks in the Aegean Sea!
2. Being recruited for the U.S. Masters Swim team: Although I did swim masters at Steiner Aquatics center in 2010 recently I was recruited to swim at the Sports Mall on their team. I guess come summer 2013 after I'm outta Westminster I'll be swimming with old people again.
3. My internship: I never really thought I'd be teaching little kids to swim. A few months ago I secured an internship at this place called SwimKids. Besides graphic design work and advertising I'm learning a top secret way to teach kids how to swim by a person who's done it for 20 years.
1. Bob: He might have the same name as Michael Phelps coach but he's actually a science professor at my school. Whenever I'm at the fitness center on campus aka HWAC he always says, "Dorothann time to get in the pool its swimming day!" This happens even when its NOT EVEN SWIMMING DAY and I'm just there for other activities. Talk about motivation: telling me to get my ass into the pool and swim like I was in the Olympics or running away from sharks in the Aegean Sea!
2. Being recruited for the U.S. Masters Swim team: Although I did swim masters at Steiner Aquatics center in 2010 recently I was recruited to swim at the Sports Mall on their team. I guess come summer 2013 after I'm outta Westminster I'll be swimming with old people again.
3. My internship: I never really thought I'd be teaching little kids to swim. A few months ago I secured an internship at this place called SwimKids. Besides graphic design work and advertising I'm learning a top secret way to teach kids how to swim by a person who's done it for 20 years.
4. Lifeguard Certification: Olympus was 5 YEARS AGO!!!! I'm getting lifeguard certified for my internship even though its not required. I only thought high schoolers got lifeguard certified to get people to get a date with them but I guess not. So as of March I'll be learning techniques on how to respond to aquatic emergencies and fend off guys who ATTEMPT to pull off the "sandlot" facade. P.S. all you single guys out there I'll gladly take your flirtatious attempts at taking a chance with a gorgeous girl like myself but for right now I'm going out with someone else.
I guess for all these reasons I should probably get back into the pool more often like a boss.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Relative look alikes...Generation Clash or Genetic Lottery?

I was getting a haircut from my cousin Desi the other day. At one point our conversation we were having led to a discussion about my Yia Yia (grandma) Dorothy, our namesake hence my name and my cousin's name. I told her that we look EXACTLY like her in terms of facial structure: eyes, nose, mouth, face shape, you name it! Desi was very surprised because she had never seen the pictures of them. Even the ones from when they had graduated from high school!
Although my Yia Yia has been deceased since 1982 and I have never met her, from the stories I have heard it seems like we've had similar life experiences: we grew up in the city, worked in a deli at a grocery store, had a car accident, dated a farm boy, etc. But there are a few differences too: I am finishing my college degree, I've been out of the U.S. twice, and I'm of a different generation along with other things too. I think that its crazy yet awesome at the same time how I have similar life experiences with people in my family I never met. It feels like there is a connection of some sort which makes me the person I am today.
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